Re: [testsuites] WebSocket support on

I have pywebsockets running through mod_python on the existing Apache
server, on port 80, and Jetty running on port 8080. So we could actually
still accept server-side test pieces written in Python as well as ones in
Java, and it seems to me at least that it's not an either-or case of
everybody must write the server parts in Java vs everybody must write them
in Python. We could have both.

Naturally it's different for the actual test suites -- testing the
client-side browser behavior, they of course need to be in the same one
format to make it possible to run them across multiple browsers.

But the server pieces are not actually part of the test suite. We're not
testing the server behavior, we just need for the server parts to implement
the protocol as specced (and if they don't we need to fix them so we do).

And if particular test cases rely on a particular server application to
test against, then all that matters for the purposes of the test suite is
just that we have that server application available somewhere on so that anybody can run those test cases in any browser.


Kris Krueger <>, 2012-02-28 03:04 +0000:

> Mike was also able to setup Jetty as well on the w3c server over the
> weekend (thanks Mike!), unless someone objects I'd like to use Jetty
> given it seems to be more supported.
> -Kris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arthur Barstow [] 
> Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 11:13 AM
> To:; Mike Smith; Kris Krueger
> Subject: Fwd: [testsuites] WebSocket support on
> [I just realized this email did not go to WebApps' testsuite list]
> Mike, Kris, All - how does Mike's proposal below compare to the proposal Kris made last week:
> -Thanks, Art
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: 	[testsuites] WebSocket support on
> Resent-Date: 	Wed, 22 Feb 2012 07:15:29 +0000
> Resent-From: 	<>
> Date: 	Wed, 22 Feb 2012 16:14:50 +0900
> From: 	ext Michael[tm] Smith <>
> To: 	<>
> We now have initial WebSocket server support set up on Simple demo here:
> The server support uses pywebsocket, so if you have server components of WebSocket test cases written in Python, we can host them under
> If anybody's interested in actually trying that right now, and you have * handlers you'd like to have installed, we can work on getting something set up to facilitate it.
>    --Mike

Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Tuesday, 28 February 2012 04:13:34 UTC