RE: Seeking status of the WebSocket API test suite

Everyone should be delighted that the webApps webSockets spec has moved to the CR stage.

I believe that with a proposal sent to the list and some w3c systems assistance we can reach consensus on how to test webSockets.
I'll take an action item to send a proposal to the list so that we can reach consensus.

James please note the below post to the list -


-----Original Message-----
From: James Graham [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 1:23 PM
To: Arthur Barstow
Subject: Re: Seeking status of the WebSocket API test suite

On Thu, 8 Dec 2011, Arthur Barstow wrote:

> Now that the WebSocket API spec is in the Candidate Recommendation 
> state, the WG must create a test suite for the spec to advance to Recommendation.
> Microsoft and Ms2ger submitted some tests:
> Does anyone have a general (or specific) idea of the level of coverage 
> these tests provide?

I have only glanced at those tests but in general testing websockets correctly requires a server side component that can put arbitary bits on the wire (to check that the API behaves correctly in the face of broken content). I remember there was some discussion about how to solve this but didn't see any concrete solutions. Is this problem now solved? What do the above tests use?

Received on Friday, 9 December 2011 06:16:32 UTC