Re: [whatwg/dom] Introduce DOM post-insertion steps (PR #1261)

@smaug---- commented on this pull request.

> +  modify the tree's structure, making live traversal unsafe, possibly leading to the
+  <a>post-insertion steps</a> being called multiple times on the same <a>node</a>.</p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+  <p>For each <var>node</var> in <var>nodes</var>, in <a>tree order</a>:
+  <ol>
+   <li><p>For each <a>shadow-including inclusive descendant</a> <var>inclusiveDescendant</var> of
+   <var>node</var>, in <a>shadow-including tree order</a>, <a for=list>append</a>
+   <var>inclusiveDescendant</var> to <var>staticNodeList</var>.
+  </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li><p><a for=list>For each</a> <var>node</var> in <var>staticNodeList</var>, if <var>node</var> is
+ <a>connected</a>, then run the <a>post-insertion steps</a> with <var>node</var>.

I'd expect the algorithm be generic, and then each post-insertion step implementation to check if the node is connected (if needed). Nothing vague there.

If we go with the approach the pr has, at least the algorithm name should hint that it isn't about generic insertion step, but it is explicitly about inserting to document. Post-connected steps?
(insertion steps algorithm has nothing to do with nodes being connected or not)

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Message ID: <whatwg/dom/pull/1261/review/>

Received on Wednesday, 8 May 2024 18:20:02 UTC