[w3c/manifest] Processing steps for id now removes the fragment (PR #1122)

Closes #1121

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[Note: This technically changes normative behaviour, but does not break implementations. Any implementation that keeps the fragment and strips it out when comparing ids will behave the same as this. The new behaviour just encourages implementations to keep their local data model clean.]

Commit message:

The canonical id no longer includes the fragment. This was already effectively true (as all comparisons would exclude fragments), but now it makes it true in the processed manifest's canonical id.

Removed or made optional the exclude fragments in the comparisons. Added a lengthy note as to why user agents may still wish to exclude fragments when comparing against potentially old database entries.

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-- Commit Summary --

  * (unrelated) more formal language to set scope's query and fragment to null.
  * id processing: Set fragment to null in the processor.
  * Do not exclude fragments when comparing the manifest id with the document manifest id.
  * Properly link to exclude fragments.
  * Added note about why we still exclude fragments when comparing to the app database.
  * Rewrote the exclude fragments note, and made exclude fragments optional.

-- File Changes --

    M index.html (51)

-- Patch Links --


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Received on Monday, 6 May 2024 04:47:05 UTC