Re: [w3c/manifest] Processing steps for id now removes the fragment (PR #1122)

@marcoscaceres commented on this pull request.

> +          for a matching application. However, since old versions of this spec
+          (and, possibly, old user agents) did not remove the [=URL/fragment=]
+          from the [=URL=] at parse time, and relied only on
+          [=URL/equals/exclude fragments|excluding fragments=] during
+          comparisons, there may be historical app data with [=URL/fragments=]
+          in the <code>[=manifest/id=]</code>. Therefore, it is best practice for user
+          agents to [=URL/equals/exclude fragments=] even when comparing two
+          [=URLs=] that should not have any fragments.

Removing the use of RFC2119 keywords: 

          for a matching application. However, since old versions of this spec
          (and, possibly, old user agents) did not remove the [=URL/fragment=]
          from the [=URL=] at parse time, and relied only on
          [=URL/equals/exclude fragments|excluding fragments=] during
          comparisons, historical app data could include [=URL/fragments=]
          in the <code>[=manifest/id=]</code>. Therefore, it is best practice for user
          agents to [=URL/equals/exclude fragments=] even when comparing two
          [=URLs=] that typically lack fragments.

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Message ID: <w3c/manifest/pull/1122/review/>

Received on Sunday, 12 May 2024 02:35:01 UTC