[w3ctag/design-reviews] WebID (#622)

Ya ya yawm TAG!

I'm requesting a TAG review of [WebID](https://github.com/WICG/WebID).

TL;DR; This is an active exploration to react to the ongoing privacy-oriented changes in browsers and preserve identity federation (e.g. OpenID, OAuth and SAML) on the web.

  - Explainer¹ (minimally containing user needs and example code): [url](https://github.com/WICG/WebID)
  - Security and Privacy self-review²: TODO(goto): will do. In the meantime, what we have [this](https://github.com/WICG/WebID/blob/main/privacy_threat_model.md) privacy threat model.
  - GitHub repo (if you prefer feedback filed there): [url](https://github.com/WICG/WebID)
  - Primary contacts (and their relationship to the specification):
      - [Sam Goto] ([samuelgoto]), [Google]
  - Organization/project driving the design: Google/Chrome
  - External status/issue trackers for this feature (publicly visible, e.g. Chrome Status): [chromestatus](https://chromestatus.com/feature/6438627087220736), [Intent To Prototype](https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/2B4TJ7j2U4M/m/1X5T3OszCAAJ)

Further details:

  - [x] I have reviewed the TAG's [Web Platform Design Principles](https://w3ctag.github.io/design-principles/)
  - The group where the incubation/design work on this is being done (or is intended to be done in the future): WICG
  - The group where standardization of this work is intended to be done ("unknown" if not known): unknown
  - Existing major pieces of multi-stakeholder review or discussion of this design:
  - Major unresolved issues with or opposition to this design:
  - This work is being funded by:

You should also know that... 

- this is really early and we have a series of open questions.
- we are probably more interested in an evaluation of the **problem** (e.g. incentives, motivation and direction) rather than on the specific **solutions** (e.g. API design, shape, ergonomics, names, etc)

We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please delete all but the desired option):

  🐛 open issues in our GitHub repo for **each point of feedback**

  ☂️ open a single issue in our GitHub repo **for the entire review**

  💬 leave review feedback as a **comment in this issue** and @-notify [github usernames]

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Received on Friday, 2 April 2021 20:16:24 UTC