Re: [w3c/ServiceWorker] Define Purge Service Worker Registrations (#1506)

jungkees commented on this pull request.

> +      : Input
+      :: |origin|, an [=/origin=]
+      :: |unclaim|, an optional boolean, false by default
+      : Output
+      :: None
+      1. [=map/For each=] <var ignore=''>scope</var> → |registration| of [=scope to registration map=]:
+          1. Let |scopeURL| be |registration|'s [=service worker registration/scope url=].
+          1. If |scopeURL|'s [=/origin=] is |origin|, then:
+              1. Let |job| be the result of running [=Create Job=] with *unregister*, |scopeURL|, null, null, and null.
+              1. Set |job|'s [=immediate unregister flag=].
+              1. Let |jobQueue| be [=scope to job queue map=][|job|'s [=job/scope url=], [=URL serializer|serialized=]].
+              1. Assert: |jobQueue| is not null.
+              1. [=While=] |jobQueue| is not empty:
+                  1. Let |job| be the first item in |jobQueue|.
+                  1. Invoke [=Reject Job Promise=] with |job| and "{{AbortError}}" {{DOMException}}.

I think ["AbortError" DOMException]( is most relevant for the error context here. When the service operation sends out the Clear-Site-Data: "storage", it can expect the pending register/update/unregister jobs to be aborted and delete from the queue. Would it make sense?

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