[w3c/uievents] Event order of onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp, and onPaste when using pasting (CMD + v) in Mac OS X (#261)


> Fired at elements when the user will insert the clipboard data in the most suitable format \(if any\) supported for the given context


Hi, I will present the issue in chronological order.

1. Initially, there was a bug in Mac OS X Safari where paste **(CMD + v)** was not working https://github.com/CoreyGinnivan/whocanuse/issues/31. On further investigation, I found that `webkit` was firing `onKeyPress` and `onPaste` events, while `chrome` and `firefox` only fired the `onPaste` event.

2. I created a pen to demonstrate the issue. https://codepen.io/aesyondu/pen/KKpNXEX

3. I thought I would file a bug in `webkit` bugzilla and call it a day. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=208088

4. Later, I decided that since I've already tested some keyboard events, why not test all of them. And so I modified my pen, and found out that all three browsers fired events in a unique way. In short:
>`chrome` fired 2 keydowns, 1 paste, and 2 keyup events
>`firefox` fired 2 keydowns, 1 paste, and 1 keyup event, and
>`webkit` fired 2 keydowns, 1 keypress, 1 paste, and 1 keyup event

Excerpt from the codepen:

Google Chrome 80.0.3987.116 (Official Build) (64-bit):
KKpNXEX?editors=1000:61 keydown KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "Meta", code: "MetaLeft", location: 1, ctrlKey: false, …}
KKpNXEX?editors=1000:61 keydown KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "v", code: "KeyV", location: 0, ctrlKey: false, …}
KKpNXEX?editors=1000:61 paste ClipboardEvent {isTrusted: true, clipboardData: DataTransfer, type: "paste", target: input, currentTarget: input, …}
KKpNXEX?editors=1000:61 keyup KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "Meta", code: "MetaLeft", location: 1, ctrlKey: false, …}
KKpNXEX?editors=1000:61 keyup KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "v", code: "KeyV", location: 0, ctrlKey: false, …}

Firefox 74.0b6:
keydown Meta { target: input, key: "Meta", charCode: 0, keyCode: 224 }
keydown Meta { target: input, key: "v", charCode: 0, keyCode: 86 }
paste { target: input, clipboardData: DataTransfer }
keyup { target: input, key: "Meta", charCode: 0, keyCode: 224 }

Safari Technology Preview Release 101 (Safari 13.2, WebKit 14610.1.3.1):
[Log] keydown – KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "Meta", code: "MetaLeft", …} (KKpNXEX, line 61)
[Log] keydown – KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "v", code: "KeyV", …} (KKpNXEX, line 61)
[Log] keypress – KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "v", code: "KeyV", …} (KKpNXEX, line 61)
[Log] paste – ClipboardEvent {isTrusted: true, clipboardData: DataTransfer, type: "paste", …} (KKpNXEX, line 61)
[Log] keyup – KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "Meta", code: "MetaLeft", …} (KKpNXEX, line 61)

5. I asked Jake Archibald who I can talk to for standardizing this, and he said to file a bug with the spec, and here I am.

P.S. I'm not sure if there are more keyboard events that I missed. Consequently, I haven't tested those. For now, I feel that these events are enough to demonstrate the discrepancy between browsers, and we can investigate further should it be deemed that this is worth standardizing.

P.P.S. Also, obviously there are commands other than (CMD + v) which could potentially trigger different events among browsers. Admittedly I haven't tested any yet.

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