Re: [whatwg/dom] Declarative Shadow DOM (#831)

> But then you'd have to wait for the JS to load and run before seeing any content!

This is definitely true. I don't have a good solution to this problem - I suppose the only way might be to always blow away the shadow root content in the constructor and re-create it. Perhaps that's not so bad? It would get pixels on screen quickly with the declarative content, and then when hydration happens, rebuilding content is hopefully quick. This seems like a *general* issue - any time you have declarative content and a separate set of code to create it, they can get out of sync. Suggestions appreciated here.

> thanks for taking the time to reply. The backward compatibility is a real problem and now I appreciate the proposal better. 👍

I'm glad you agree with that being an issue. I really do prefer `<shadowroot>` but I don't see an easy way around the problem it poses.

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