Re: [webcomponents] [Custom Elements] the `extends` property cannot be replaced (#326)

I've been  told to CC @annevk , @rniwa , @hayatoito , and @travisleithead about this, so here i am.

The long discussion about `is` property and the `extends` one is that "anyone could wrap an input, a select, a form ... " etc, etc ...

When it comes to partial applications, the element cannot be just inherited, and `is` behavior, as well as `extends` is the only way to resolve the issue.

### Example
In a partial application we might want to create a `CustomElement` that should act lake a `HTMLTableRowElement`

var MyTr = document.registerElement('my-tr', {prototype: Object.create(HTMLTableRowElement.prototype)});
var mtr = new MyTr;
mtr.innerHTML = '<td>1</td><td>2</td>';
mtr.innerHTML // "12" <== SEE THAT? EPIC FAIL

If the component just inherits `HTMLTableRowElement.prototype` it can be used to be appended to a generic `tbody` but it won't preserve its content as html.

Only using the good old way works:
var mtr = document.createElement('tr');
mtr.innerHTML = '<td>1</td><td>2</td>';
mtr.innerHTML // "<td>1</td><td>2</td>" <== OK

Partial rows,  cells, cols or any other table related application can be very useful.

As example, [this replication of the (in)famous DBMonster benchmark]( uses 3 components:

  * the `HTMLTableElement` one to create a table component
  * the `HTMLTableRowElement` one to create [each row]( of such table
  * the `HTMLTableCellElement` to create [last 5 cells]( of each rows

The [benchmark page]( as it is [works like a charm]( in every [polyfilled]( platform but it would be impossible to recreate such simple use case (even if stressed in this bench) without the usage of the `is` specification.

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