Re: [fetch] Add description for suspension, resuming and garbage collection. (#121)

> +
> +<div class="example no-backref">
> + <p>The user agent cannot terminate the fetch because one can observe the termination by registering
> + a handler for the promise object.
> + <pre>window.promise = fetch("")
> +  .then(res => res.body.getReader().closed)</pre>
> +</div>
> +
> +<div class="example no-backref">
> + <p>The user agent cannot terminate the fetch as termination would be observable via the registered
> + handler.
> + <pre>fetch("")
> +  .then(res => {
> +    res.body.getReader().closed.then(() => console.log("stream closed!"))
> +  })</pre>
> +</div>


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