Re: [ServiceWorker] Consider producing distinct objects for the same entity to enable garbage collection (#416)

Oh I didn't catch the following implementation issues:

So I think the following behavior seems right (the same object and the distinct object is for the promise resolution value):
navigator.serviceWorker.register().then(registration => {}); // same object
navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistration().then(registration => {}); // same object
navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations().then(registrations => {}); // same object
clients.matchAll().then(clients => {}); // same object
clients.openWindow().then(windowClient => {}); // distinct object
WindowClient.focus().then(windowClient => {}); // distinct object
(Extendable/ServiceWorker)MessageEvent.source; // same object
(Extendable/ServiceWorker)MessageEvent.ports; // same object

CacheStorage.match().then(response => {}); // distinct object => {}); // distinct object
Cache.match().then(response => {}); // distinct object
Cache.matchAll().then(responses => {}); // distinct object
Cache.keys().then(requests => {}); // distinct object

In the spec, when a distinct object is required, I used "new" explicitly. For the same objects, I did it with "an object that represents the target object." It seems better wording is necessary here to make it clearer? (any suggestion?)

/cc @nhiroki @mattto @wanderview @nikhilm @slightlyoff @jakearchibald @annevk 

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