Re: [fetch] Aborting a fetch (#27)

It's really hard to follow all the things here by now. But can we all agree at least of basic concept things before actual implementation details?

* ```fetch(...).cancel()``` should be able cancel **request** and **response** (no matter for now how it all will be integrated with Promises/Streams)
* ```fetch(...)``` promise cancelability should be chainable. It's hard to agree for now how it will be implemented, but it seems what all in this thread (and I believe all other developers will) expect such behavior.
* As ```fetch(...).cancel()``` is chainable then ```fetch``` also should have some grouping operators for it. ```fetch.all(...)``` or ```CancelablePromise.all(...)``` does not really matter now. 
* All those stuff should absolutely fine works with ```async```/```await``` (which I believe should work by default since all this API is around Promises).

Any comments about these things? I would like to hear concept comments, where I was wrong, etc. No implementation stuff. Once we have final conclude on concepts, then we can discuss actual implementations.

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