from June 2013 by subject

[Bug 14207] ElementCSSInlineStyle needs binding to Element

[Bug 14949] [Meta]: Component Model needs an Explainer document

[Bug 14968] [Meta]: Specify how custom elements work

[Bug 14978] [Meta]: Specify how shadow DOM works

[Bug 15476] [Templates]: Specify how templates work

[Bug 15480] [Shadow]: Things to Consider in the Future

[Bug 16455] Using platform object example

[Bug 16477] Figure out if we can import event handler attributes from HTML

[Bug 16488] Consider adding parent() / ancestor() method

[Bug 16489] Retrieve element language

[Bug 16537] Interface types - Implements is ambiguous

[Bug 16604] RFE: add unsigned byte as synonym for octet

[Bug 16767] Allow user objects for Array[] types

[Bug 16833] consider always exposing a "length" property for objects with indexed properties

[Bug 17103] [Custom]: Write first draft of the Custom DOM elements spec

[Bug 17625] Shouldn't ExSel key value be Exsel?

[Bug 17713] Exceptions thrown from event handlers should not be propagated

[Bug 18352] Note about Object.prototype.toString is unclear

[Bug 18362] Make stringifiers not take into account expandos

[Bug 18428] [Shadow]: Next Working Draft Iteration

[Bug 18511] [Custom]: Things to Consider in the Future

[Bug 18547] Add [ImplicitThis] to EventTarget?

[Bug 18719] [Custom]: Specify declarative syntax for defining custom DOM elements

[Bug 18720] [Custom]: Specify imperative API for custom DOM elements

[Bug 18851] necessary compositionupdate event isn't written in the examples in 6.2.3

[Bug 18908] Consider disallowing expandos on objects with a named getter but no named setter

[Bug 19911] [Explainer]: Mention Custom Pseudo-Elements in Explainer

[Bug 19936] consider allowing non-matching enums to be converted to a particular value

[Bug 19988] add a [LenientFloat] to mean "ignore IDL attribute assignment or method call if a non-finite float is passed"

[Bug 20008] allow [Unforgeable] on an interface

[Bug 20017] [Shadow]: Retargeting relatedTarget algorithm prevents events from be fired if a user creates a MouseEvent manually with a relatedTarget which is same to the target.

[Bug 20141] [Shadow]: Ensure that distribution/composition is triggered in all the right places

[Bug 20189] [Custom]: Provide an event that signals when all custom elements in static source are ready/upgraded

[Bug 20225] don't allow overridden operations and attribute getters/setters to be invoked on descendant objects

[Bug 20260] [Shadow]: ShadowRoot should have shadowRoot attribute to get older shadow tree.

[Bug 20329] [Custom]: Specify more callback-ey type for document.register return type

[Bug 20419] missing "then"?

[Bug 20422] 4.2.21: "then then"

[Bug 20439] 4.4.6: <span class="desc">

[Bug 20440] "of it type list"

[Bug 20442] 4.2.24: <ul> should be <ol>

[Bug 20443] 4.4.6: "is not of the enumeration’s values"

[Bug 20444] 4.*: "descriptor { ... }"

[Bug 20452] 4.2.16: extraneous "the"

[Bug 20453] 3.1: two questions re underscore removal

[Bug 20455] converting to an ECMAScript value [of a specified type??]

[Bug 20456] wrong conversion

[Bug 20458] 4.2.22: converting IDL value to IDL type?

[Bug 20466] [Accessibility]: Custom element should allow declaration of default accessibility features, such as role and other ARIA attributes.

[Bug 20475] Grammar allows "- Infinity", but not "- 1"

[Bug 20478] Grammar allows "static;" as a valid operation

[Bug 20481] Grammar Fixes needed: Dominique's feedback + Microsoft's feedback

[Bug 20488] [Custom]: Need to define what happens when nodes are adopted into or out of documents that have custom element definitions

[Bug 20527] Comment about NamedPropertiesObject is incorrect

[Bug 20528] Definition of [[Prototype]] for the interface prototype object is confusing

[Bug 20535] consider removing indexed property setters, creators and deleters

[Bug 20561] Objects supporting indexed properties

[Bug 20600] [Shadow]: Custom Pseudo-Elements should follow the same convention as custom element names.

[Bug 20653] Function object doesn't specify needing a "prototype" property

[Bug 20683] [Imports]: Write HTML Imports spec

[Bug 20685] [Custom]: Provide a thorough description of the custom elements, goals, objectives, approach.

[Bug 20777] Getting a property from the global scope polluter ends up in an infinite loop

[Bug 21066] Provide an event path API

[Bug 21083] Proposal key names for Android

[Bug 21113] Should KeyboardEvent.char really be set control characters? E.g., Cancel, Esc, Backspace and Del

[Bug 21114] Dead key names are not enough for Linux

[Bug 21118] Define power management related keys like 'Power'

[Bug 21119] Define 'ZoomIn' key and 'ZoomOut' key

[Bug 21120] Define TV or A/V remote controller's keys

[Bug 21121] Define mobile phone related keys

[Bug 21135] Define 'Symbol' modifier

[Bug 21136] Define Home key and Back key of Android smartphone

[Bug 21137] Define key names for game controller of Android

[Bug 21139] Define key name for Hankaku-Zenkaku key and Katakana-Hiragana key

[Bug 21200] [Custom]: Case sensitivity of custom element names?

[Bug 21293] [Templates]: EOF processing fails if a <template> in a non-html namespace is on the stack of open elements

[Bug 21295] overload resolution: are DOMString and sequence<T> distinguishable now?

[Bug 21305] [Shadow] Add explanatory rationale for the set of content selectors, and possibly update the spec with selectors from CSS4 Selectors

[Bug 21391] [Shadow]: allow @host rules to match nodes in the host scope not just the host node

[Bug 21422] Generic Promise type notation

[Bug 21589] SelectionMode enum should not have a trailing comma

[Bug 21591] String constant on NavigatorID is invalid per WebIDL

[Bug 21640] Dictionaries and callbacks should be distinguishable

[Bug 21669] Callable interface objects should be instance of Function

[Bug 21670] Clarify that typeof InterfaceObject should be "function"

[Bug 21725] Specify id for Step 1 of the Web Workers Processing Model

[Bug 21825] [Custom]: Specify or comment on node adoption--does element initialization happen?

[Bug 21833] Under read* chaining during load event loadends should be suppressed

[Bug 21916] bug-assist should use data-* attributes instead of <meta name>

[Bug 21929] named properties object should disallow definition of non-configurable properties

[Bug 21958] [Custom]: Should element registration be associated with a browsing context, not document?

[Bug 21966] D3E spec should prohibit browser vendors name original key name

[Bug 21969] [Custom]: add attributeChangedCallback to the set of prototype callbacks

[Bug 21981] Key name definition about "foo[0-9]+"

[Bug 22068] [DOM3] Remove Appendix A and replace with references to UI Events spec

[Bug 22071] Remove 'char' from KeyboardEvent in DOM3

[Bug 22072] "current click count" deserves its own attribute

[Bug 22073] 'Meta' key is the same as the 'OS' or 'Win' key

[Bug 22082] Review and cleanup examples in D3E spec

[Bug 22083] Break D3E Key Value table into smaller chunks of related keys

[Bug 22084] Consistent key names in D3E spec

[Bug 22126] [Custom]: Should <element> support declaring SVG elements?

[Bug 22130] Modification for IDBObjectStore's clear and delete method

[Bug 22141] [Shadow]: Need mechanism to tell if an element in a ShadowRoot has been inserted into the Document

[Bug 22153] DOMError name

[Bug 22156] Allow trailing commas in Web IDL lists

[Bug 22168] An attribute cannot be a dictionary type

[Bug 22238] New: [Shadow]: pseudo should be a reflected attribute

[Bug 22239] [Shadow]: An exception to applyAuthorStyles should be carved out for custom pseudos

[Bug 22239] New: [Shadow]: An exception to applyAuthorStyles should be carved out for custom pseudos

[Bug 22240] New: [Shadow]: Clarify how nested @host @-rules work

[Bug 22254] New: [Shadow]: WebIDL code blocks are missing an "idl" classname

[Bug 22255] New: [Shadow]: Shadow trees should somehow contain base URL information

[Bug 22261] [Explainer]: Shadow DOM examples use prefixed createShadowRoot()

[Bug 22261] New: [Explainer]: Shadow DOM examples use prefixed createShadowRoot()

[Bug 22268] [Shadow]: Consider a <content> selector for "nodes not otherwise distributed"

[Bug 22268] New: [Shadow]: Consider a <content> selector for "nodes not otherwise distributed"

[Bug 22283] EventHandler and related infrastructure

[Bug 22283] New: EventHandler and related infrastructure

[Bug 22288] [Custom]: A set of methods should invoke lifecycle callbacks

[Bug 22288] New: [Custom]: A set of methods should invoke lifecycle callbacks

[Bug 22305] [imports]: Imports should be represented as Documents, not DocumentFragments.

[Bug 22305] New: [imports]: Imports should be represented as Documents, not DocumentFragments.

[Bug 22311] New: [imports]: It is not clear if .import property is null when the resource is not found.

[Bug 22312] New: Typo?

[Bug 22312] Typo?

[Bug 22316] [Shadow]: Shadow DOM: createShadowRoot() should not check if the context object is an element

[Bug 22316] [Shadow]: Shadow DOM: createShadowRoot() throws TypeError not InvalidNodeTypeError

[Bug 22316] New: [Shadow]: Shadow DOM: createShadowRoot() throws TypeError not InvalidNodeTypeError

[Bug 22320] Form's supported property names should perhaps not be enumerable

[Bug 22321] New: Spec for DOMTokenList.toggle is very confusing

[Bug 22321] Spec for DOMTokenList.toggle is very confusing

[Bug 22330] [Custom]: Use consistent language for NAME and TYPE and NAME and EXTENDS

[Bug 22330] New: [Custom]: Use consistent language for NAME and TYPE and NAME and EXTENDS

[Bug 22343] [Custom]: Need a function to retrieve a constructor (or prototype) by localName

[Bug 22343] New: [Custom]: Need a function to retrieve a constructor (or prototoype) by localName

[Bug 22344] [Shadow]: Distribute into <shadow>, project into older shadow root

[Bug 22344] [Shadow]: projecting into <shadow>

[Bug 22344] New: [Shadow]: projecting into <shadow>

[Bug 22346] New: Security: When invoking a method, getter, or setter on an object using the property descriptor of another, we need to do a security check

[Bug 22346] Security: When invoking a method, getter, or setter on an object using the property descriptor of another, we need to do a security check

[Bug 22357] Don't special case callable 'then'

[Bug 22357] New: Don't special case callable 'then'

[Bug 22358] Add a "this is the global" annotation

[Bug 22358] New: Add a "this is the global" annotation

[Bug 22361] New: [Shadow]: <title> and <meta> should be considered inert

[Bug 22370] Inform script of corruption-induced data loss

[Bug 22370] New: Inform script of corruption-induced data loss

[Bug 22390] [Shadow]: Support ':context()' pseudo class.

[Bug 22390] [Shadow]: Support ':host()' pseudo class.

[Bug 22390] New: [Shadow]: Support ':context()' pseudo class.

[Bug 22391] New: Sequence or Array

[Bug 22392] maybe define .name for Function objects corresponding to operations/attributes

[Bug 22392] New: maybe define .name for Function objects corresponding to operations/attributes

[Bug 22394] [Shadow]: [Meta] Refactor the Shadow DOM spec

[Bug 22394] New: [Shadow]: [Meta] Refactor the Shadow DOM spec

[Bug 22399] [Shadow]: ShadowRoot should have an host property

[Bug 22399] New: [Shadow]: ShadowRoot should have an host property

[Bug 22400] [Templates]: Form-associated elements inside templates should not be associated with forms by the parser

[Bug 22400] New: [Templates]: Form-associated elements inside templates should not be associated with forms by the parser

[Bug 22407] [imports]: Consider implications of changing the meaning of <link> with rel=import

[Bug 22407] New: [imports]: Consider implication of changing the meaning of <link> with rel=import

[Bug 22410] Attr.value = 'foo' doesn't seem to create a mutation record, according to spec

[Bug 22410] New: Attr.value = 'foo' doesn't seem to create a mutation record, according to spec

[Bug 22411] New: [Shadow]: Specify the interaction with document.currentScript

[Bug 22412] New: [Shadow]: Clarify the interaction with XML Namespace

[Bug 22413] [imports]: Imported documents should execute script

[Bug 22413] New: [imports]: Imported document should execute script

[Bug 22414] 304 handling

[Bug 22414] New: 304 handling

[Bug 22426] [Custom]: Set of attribute modifying methods is not exhaustive

[Bug 22426] New: [Custom]: Set of attribute modifying methods is not exhaustive

[Bug 22433] New: [Shadow]: Supports a <shadow> reprojection

[Bug 22443] [Shadow]: Form elements crossing shadow boundary

[Bug 22443] New: [Shadow]: Form elements crossing shadow boundary

[Bug 22446] [Custom]: Commentary about lifecycle callbacks queue being empty when document.register is invoked is incorrect

[Bug 22446] New: [Custom]: Commentary about lifecycle callbacks queue being empty when document.register is invoked is incorrect

[Bug 22455] [Custom]: Consider inserting unresolved elements at the start of the map.

[Bug 22455] New: [Custom]: Consider inserting unresolved elements at the start of the map.

[Bug 22459] [Custom]: Consider explicitly emptying callback queue in more cases

[Bug 22459] New: [Custom]: Consider explicitly emptying callback queue in more cases

[Bug 22460] New: [Shadow]: Change ::distributed to ::content

[Bug 22461] [Shadow]: Change custom pseudo elements to match via ::part(<part name>)

[Bug 22461] New: [Shadow]: Change custom pseudo elements to match via ::part(<part name>)

[Bug 22462] [Shadow]: Consider adding an applyAuthorHostStyles flag

[Bug 22462] New: [Shadow]: Consider adding an applyAuthorHostStyles flag

[Bug 22466] [Custom]: Certain documents should not share registration contexts

[Bug 22466] New: [Custom]: Certain documents should not share registration contexts

[Bug 22469] New: [Custom]: Declaration processing algorithm is not invoked anywhere.

[Bug 22485] [Custom] registration context is defined oddly since Window of a document may change

[Bug 22485] New: [Custom] registration context is defined oddly since Window of a document may change

[Bug 22496] "A host-including inclusive ancestor is either a..."

[Bug 22496] New: "A host-including inclusive ancestor is either a..."

[Bug 22506] New: Named properties object should probably not be a function object

[Bug 22507] New: Need to define behaviour for setting properties on named properties objects

[Bug 22509] New: Some way to express array as readonly and fixed length

[Bug 22509] Some way to express array as readonly and fixed length

[Bug 22512] New: "Copy the following, depending on the type of node"

[Bug 22513] New: "Run any cloning steps defined for node in other..."

[Bug 22514] New: "optionally with a document ownerDocument"

[Bug 22515] Consider moving getElementBy* to ParentNode

[Bug 22515] New: Consider moving getElementBy* to ParentNode

[Bug 22521] New: [Custom]: Element constructor algorithm bleeds definitions across registration contexts

[Bug 22522] New: WebIDL, error handling, and promises

Last message date: Sunday, 30 June 2013 18:46:08 UTC