Re: Extra Connection Support Proposal

"Kris Zyp" <> wrote:

> We are still faced with the fundamental problem that if a browser that
> observes the two connection limit and two long-lived connections are
> currently open and the user does something that triggers another request
> (such as opening another tab), the browser is stuck and essentially hangs
> waiting for a connection to become available. This is a serious usability
> issue. Is there something that I need to do to improve my proposal, so can
> effectively tackle this issue, and provide a means for authors to inform
> the user agents when a response is long-lived?

The problem has always existed, though.  For example, if you're downloading
a page with very large images on it (or perhaps multipart/x-mixed-replace
feeds from a webcam) and whilst the browser is tied up downloading them all,
you click on a link, does the link get followed?  That is the same sort of
scenario, isn't it?

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Received on Friday, 22 February 2008 16:31:29 UTC