XHR test http://tc.labs.opera.com/apis/XMLHttpRequest/responseXML/009.htm


this test says it checks what happens when you load an invalid XML  
document. Unfortunately it actually loads the wrong document at the moment  
- http://tc.labs.opera.com/apis/XMLHttpRequest/responseXML/support/008.xml  
(which is well-formed) instead of  
which has an ampersand and is not well-formed XML.

I suggest we declare this test invalid, and either replace it and declare  
it valid only after such date as it is fixed, or simply add a new test  
that gets the correct file.

The test checks one aspect of step 3 in the part of section 4 that deals  
with "XML response entity body", which requires that content which fails  
XML well-formedness should have a responseXML of null - in this case the  
responseXML should be null because the file loaded contains an unescaped  

I could not find any issue raised and resolved for this in the issue  
tracker, but it is mentioned in a thread at  
followed by an apparent summary at  
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapi/2007Mar/0090 (I am  
assuming, since the summary there matches what I understand the document  
to say on this point).

If we make the change, what is the conformance status? Given that  
http://tc.labs.opera.com/apis/XMLHttpRequest/responseXML/006.htm (which  
also tests XML well-formedness errors giving null responseXML) is not one  
of the tests failed by a lot of browsers, I suspect the issue will go  
away, but I haven't actually run the tests on other browsers yet. So I  
suggest there is no real issue here, just an incorrect test.



Charles McCathieNevile  Opera Software, Standards Group
     je parle français -- hablo español -- jeg lærer norsk
http://my.opera.com/chaals   Try Opera 9.5: http://snapshot.opera.com

Received on Saturday, 9 February 2008 11:38:31 UTC