Re: XHR Draft Compliance Test Cases

On Wed, 06 Feb 2008 20:06:06 +0100, Hallvord R. M. Steen  
<> wrote:

>> I am the test contact for IE's XMLHttpRequest object.  To determine  
>> IE's compliance, I ran the test suite at  
>> When the tests are finished running, how can I see the overall results?

> the test run should end up on a page with a long list of PASS / FAIL  
> results.

..turns out the failure to take you there was caused by an unforeseen bug  
in IE's XMLHttpRequest support :-p
The postback to the /support/results-clipboard script uses XHR with a  
relative URL, it seems something about triggering that from a thread in an  
IFRAME causes IE to get confused and throw on send(). Should be fixed now,  
using an absolute URL for the XHR. I suppose I should have added a test  
case for the problem too - Anne, do you know if one exists?

> (It's somewhat crude in that you get no summary with counts and  
> percentages.) I admit I never  tested it in IE though.. There is a  
> timeout that is meant to take you to the next test if any of them gets  
> stuck, so you may have to give it some time to complete. I'm doing an  
> IE7 test run now and will check if I need to fix the framework to report  
> the results.
> Of course there may also be bugs in the test suite. :-p
> The list of results will also be temporarily archived here:
> - only until next test run from some client completes. This "clipboard"  
> just makes it simpler to get test results from devices without  
> cut-and-paste functionality.
>> From: Sunava Dutta
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2008 6:43 PM
>> To: Anne van Kesteren; Gideon Cohn
>> Cc:; Levent Besik
>> Subject: XHR Draft Compliance Test Cases
>> Hello Anne,
>> Gideon's going to run the test cases to validate IE7's compliance with  
>> the XHR draft so that we can align the draft better with the  
>> implementation as discussed in the Tech Plenary. He's got a few  
>> questions on running the test cases, accessed here  
>> Adding him and starting a thread so he can communicate with you  
>> directly.
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> Sunava Dutta
>> Program Manager (AJAX) - Developer Experience Team, Internet Explorer
>> One Microsoft Way, Redmond WA 98052
>> TEL# (425) 705-1418
>> FAX# (425) 936-7329

Hallvord R. M. Steen
Core QA JavaScript tester, Opera Software
Opera - simply the best Internet experience

Received on Wednesday, 6 February 2008 20:23:10 UTC