Re: [selectors-api] Handling :link and :visited Pseudo Classes

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
> I don't understand what you mean by ignored, could you elaborate? 

   when a selector contains the pseudo-class :visited or :link,
   the browser ignores that selector while processing the query.
   When a group of selectors is provided, only those with the
   :visited or :link pseudo-class are ignored.

and gives the example:

   // The second selector in this group of selectors will
   // be rejected, the first and the third selector will
   // continue to apply.
   document.querySelectorAll("two, a:link, .myClass");

So it sounds to me like neither :link nor :visited match anything.  But someone 
who actually has the beta (or can look at the code, of course) should check: the 
white-paper is vague enough it could mean other things too, and IE8b1 doesn't 
always match the white-papers.


Received on Wednesday, 16 April 2008 15:00:07 UTC