Re: XHR: responseText encoding detection

On 2/26/07 3:21 PM, "Anne van Kesteren" <> wrote:

>> In my testing, I have found that existing implementations already deduce
>> the charset for XHR response in a way that's drastically different from
>> normal page loading.
> But should we really make it be like that? Once HTML5 is there we probably
> want .responseXML to work for text/html documents as well and we probably
> want the encoding to be derived the same way HTML5 specifies it should be
> derived.

  It is not really obvious to me why this is even desirable - isn't it
easier to serve as XHTML in cases when responseXML is needed? After all,
XMLHttpRequest is not a general purpose HTTP library, so we don't need to
worry about arbitrary content.

- WBR, Alexey Proskuryakov

Received on Monday, 26 February 2007 14:04:18 UTC