Re: Selectors API naming

On Wednesday, December 20, 2006 10:25 pm, Doug Schepers wrote:
> Hi, Robert-
> I think that the substance of that critique is about the functionality
> and the implementation (memory and speed) footprint of DOM.

I just dropped a comment on that discussion, because to be frank it's one of 
the stupidest I've seen.  The argument is not about whether the DOM is 
intuitive or not; it's about whether EMCAScript itself is intuitive or not, 
and the author is using the DOM to attack EMCAScript itself.  Not to mention 
the third argument is suggesting we throw the entire WebAPI system out the 
door, along with EMCAScript, and not allow any behaviour changes at all!

Received on Thursday, 21 December 2006 03:34:40 UTC