Re: Selectors API naming

Hi, Robert-

Robert Sayre wrote:
> On 12/20/06, Doug Schepers <> wrote:
>> Huh?  The first 2 pages (at least) of that search seemed to complain
>> about the lack of consistency in support among different browsers, not
>> about the supposed "failure" of the longer DOM method names. [1]
> Can't say it much better than
> "DOM sucks, and JavaScript uses DOM. DOM is heavy and unintuitive."
> Result 6, from Many results do complain about
> interoperability. A good indication of where our priorities should
> lie.

I think that the substance of that critique is about the functionality 
and the implementation (memory and speed) footprint of DOM.  We're not 
talking about changing the functionality of Selectors, we're merely 
asking that the *method name* is more consistent and descriptive.

The actual functionality of Selectors is well-designed.  What's the big 
deal with changing a name to be more clear?  I'm really surprised that 
there is such resistance to what seems like the majority view, 
reinforced by the considerable experience of the IE team.


Received on Thursday, 21 December 2006 03:25:56 UTC