Re: XMLHttpRequest.abort()

On Sat, 22 Apr 2006 00:32:27 +0200, David Flanagan  
<> wrote:
> In your XMLHttpRequest draft of 05 April 2006, the abort() method is  
> underspecified.

Well, a definition used has not yet been defined.

> It simply says that the object is "reset", without explaining what that  
> means.  In particular, what is the value of readyState() after a call to  
> abort()?  Is a newly created XMLHttpRequest in thes same state as one on  
> which abort() has been called?

This has been asked a couple of times before. At some point "reset" will  
be defined and it will say that all members of the object are set to their  
initial value (as if you create a new instance of the object yes, I  

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Wednesday, 26 April 2006 09:47:19 UTC