Re: XMLHttpRequest readystatechange events

On Sun, 23 Apr 2006 23:08:53 +0200, Robin Berjon <>  
>> At the moment, Gecko allows adding a single "onreadystatechange"  
>> listener that's notified of changes in readyState.  We would like to  
>> add the ability to add such listeners via addEventListener; the event  
>> name would be "readystatechange".
> So basically this would amount to supporting EventTarget on XHR, right?  
> This has been discussed several times by the WG, and while we like the  
> idea it's pretty much a v2 thing.

So why is that? It's not like we can move the current specification that  
fast to W3C Recommendation. It's also that if we don't do it now "v2"  
isn't so much about cleaning up anymore... rather more reverse engineering.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Monday, 24 April 2006 09:04:12 UTC