Re: [comment] XMLHttpRequest Object - Address Extensibility

On Apr 23, 2006, at 12:34 PM, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

> * Brad Fults wrote:
>> That said, I see this not as a case in need of additional
>> optimization, but a case requiring the removal of
>> specification-mandated bloat that is by no means temporary.
> The case you've presented makes a number of assumptions,

Forgetting about Brad's assumptions:

None of the existing vendor extensions to XMLHttpRequest follow the  
vendor prefix naming convention. So far as I know, every major  
implementation has at least one extension relative to the current  
proposed spec. Therefore, requiring a vendor prefix would put all  
existing implementations out of compliance. And there would be no  
foreseeable path to compliance since it is unlikely vendors would  
rename existing extensions, especially ones shared between multiple  
vendors. This seems like a show stopper for applying the vendor  
prefix convention to everything.


Received on Sunday, 23 April 2006 20:45:42 UTC