Re: ISSUE-75: Is method case-sensitive?

On Fri, 21 Apr 2006 18:33:57 +0200, Mark Nottingham <>  
> The specs last a *lot* longer than the current versions of Mozilla,  
> Safari and IE.

Sure, so does content.

> There's a place for making sure you have a path from the current  
> implementations to the new standard, but this isn't it. Specifying this  
> behaviour well isn't going to cost anything; some implementations won't  
> be conformant for a little while, but fixing them won't break any  
> existing applications.

Actually, that's not true. prototype.js for example does it wrong and so  
do several other libraries apparently.

> Besides which, each of those implementations does a different thing; how  
> do you accurately represent that?

All implementations do it for GET and POST consistent at least (and  
probably all other implemented methods). And that's what most content is  

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Friday, 21 April 2006 18:13:27 UTC