DOM3EV: Specifying inappropriate modifiers to MouseEvent.initMouseEventNS

What should happen if a key that is not a modifier is given in the
modifiersList argument of the MouseEvent.initMouseEventNS method?  There
would be three such "not modifiers":

  1. keys that the implementation knows about and knows are not
     modifiers, such as "Tab" on a PC keyboard,

  2. those that the implementation knows about but also knows that the
     device doesn't support, such as "Shift" on a mobile phone, and

  3. those that the implementation does not know about, such as a
     "Hyper" key on a Sun keyboard, where the implementation has not
     been written with such a key in mind.

My initial reaction would be to do either:

  A. ignore (1) and store (2) and (3), or

  B. store (1), (2) and (3),

leaning towards B just because it's more easily implemented, and I can't
think of a valid reason for caring about whether "Tab" was specified as
a modifier or not, especially if there is no way to get the list of all
modifiers in effect.  I could imagine tiny implementations that would
want to avoid storing strings for modifier keys, and would favour just
storing (1) as a bitfield, but DOM 3 keyboard events are already pretty
string heavy.

 Cameron McCormack			ICQ: 26955922
 cam (at)			MSN: cam (at)			JBR: heycam (at)

Received on Thursday, 20 April 2006 00:20:20 UTC