Re: Proposal for mousewheel events

Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> Sjoerd Visscher wrote:
>> So, an *asynchronous* XMLHttpRequest does not block the running 
>> javascript
>> thread. 
> Correct.
>> But a *synchronous* call does block the running javascript thread, and 
>> no redraws happen in between.
> The statement after the comma is false.

At least it is not visible. Except when you do things like an alert.

>> I don't think you can simply "fix" this, because you'll break the 
>> single-threadedness of javascript.
> Single-threadedness and non-reentrancy are not the same thing, fwiw.

Ok, then I mean non-reentrancy.

> Again, everything in Firefox runs on a single thread.  "Redraws" (which 
> you never defined) can happen (or at least both layout and painting can 
> happen) between the mouseup and click events.

I don't want to argue about the details here. There is *something* in 
Firefox that prevents layout and painting in the simple cases, which 
should be good enough for doing smooth diagonal scrolling with 2 
separate events.

Sjoerd Visscher

Received on Monday, 10 April 2006 22:25:13 UTC