Re: ISSUE-66: should Documents that aren\'t being presented be required to have a null defaultView?

On Apr 5, 2006, at 5:39 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

> Boris Zbarsky wrote:
>> Ian Hickson wrote:
>>>> 3) Forbid any non-presented Document to implement DocumentWindow  
>>>> (seems too
>>>> restrictive).
>>> I am strongly in favour of 3. If we don't do 3, we're going to  
>>> have to require a whole heck more than 1 -- we're going to have  
>>> to special case every single API that requires a rendering context.
>> What happens when a document goes from "presented" to "non- 
>> presented" or vice versa?
>> And note that even if we disallow such transitions doing what you  
>> propose would require that all document creations know whether the  
>> document is going to be presented.....  This could be a pretty  
>> heavy burden in some cases.
> Actually, it already does happen in some cases. If you hold on to a  
> document inside an iframe and then navigate away from the document  
> the document goes from being presented to being non-presented.

Presumably, back/forward cache plus holding onto a document from  
another window could result in the inverse transition. I discussed  
this with Ian on IRC and he agreed (I think) that non-presented  
documents should be allowed (perhaps even required) to implement  
DocumentWindow in a Window UA, and that their attributes should be  
appropriately neutered. So if we elimitate 3 and 2, that only leaves  
1, require defaultView (and probably other attributes like location)  
to be null for documents that implement DocumentWindow but are not  

BTW the frame thing is a handy portable way to get a non-presented  
document that implements DocumentWindow for testing purposes.


Received on Thursday, 6 April 2006 22:36:16 UTC