Re: First Public WD of XMLHttpRequest released

On Wed, 05 Apr 2006 21:48:26 +0200, Jim Ley <> wrote:
> "UAs MAY set the Accept-Charset and Accept-Encoding headers and MUST NOT  
> allow them to be overridden. "
> No motivation has been provided for the above restriction - I have a use  
> case in accessibility repair tools where the error is only in a  
> particular encoding, I want to be able to recreate the request that  
> gives that encoding, thus I need to be able to change Q-values.

I should have put some editorial note with that text. The XML source file  
says "<!-- this entire sections needs work, raise an issue? -->" at the  
moment right under all the header restrictions... It's unfortunate you  
spotted this after publication... then again, it's supposed to be not  

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Wednesday, 5 April 2006 22:16:30 UTC