Re: ISSUE-70: what to do about window timers?

On Apr 4, 2006, at 4:19 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

> On Tue, 4 Apr 2006, Web APIs Issue Tracker wrote:
>> A.1) Define in an ECMAScript-only way, and assume other languages all
>> have their own built-in timer facility.
> Do this. If the other language ACTUALLY have a need for a timer  
> feature,
> then we'll hear about it when the authors of those language come and
> request a feature, and then we'll be able to tell that they really  
> need it
> when they actually propose an interface and so forth.

I spoke to Cameron McCormack about this, and it turns out that the  
native Java timer facility is definitely *not* suitable for use with  
in-page scripting. Java's Timer fires from a background thread, and  
so any timers set that way

So if we want to support Java, we are pretty much forced to add  
something, either by redefining the existing timer functionality to  
also work for Java, or by adding some new methods/interfaces.


Received on Wednesday, 5 April 2006 21:28:27 UTC