Re: Ajax Back/Forward History problem – saving document state by

Karl Pongratz wrote:
> Yes, I alter the page content! A table with 20 rows is different than a 
> table with 100 rows, so I think the content is altered. Isn't it? The 
> additional table rows are generated via DOM scripting.

Yes, I know the page content is altered.  I never said it wasn't.

> The reason that I change the URI is

My point was that if you change the URI (e.g. by calling 
window.location.href = "...";), then that will load a new document, not 
just alter the current page.  If that is not what occurs, could you 
please elaborate.

> b.) IMPORTANT. If the user calls the document with the 100 rows through 
> the web browser history and than clicks the web browser Reload button 
> then the server needs to know that the requested resource is a table 
> document with 100 rows. That's only possible if the URI has changed.

The URI is one way to remember the state, another is with a session 
cookie from which the server can lookup the user's current state.

> So it is probably not #pushstate or is it?

I don't know, you haven't expressed yourself clearly enough for me to 
determine for sure whether it is or not, but I believe it is.

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Sunday, 20 November 2005 01:13:41 UTC