Welcome to the WebAgents CG!

Dear all,

We wish you a warm welcome to the Autonomous Agents on the Web Community Group (WebAgents CG).

This CG aims to investigate the design of a new class of Web-based Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) that:
- inherit the architectural properties of the Web (Internet-scalability, evolvability, simplicity, etc.),
- preserve the properties of MAS (adaptability, openness, robustness, etc.), and
- are human-centric (support transparency, usability, accountability, etc.).

We are especially interested in the use of Linked Data and Semantic Web standards for weaving a hypermedia fabric that mediates uniform interaction among heterogeneous entities: people, artificial agents, devices, digital services, knowledge repositories, etc. — for which reason, we refer to this new class of Web-based MAS as Hypermedia MAS (hMAS).

This CG is an initiative that started as a follow-up of two Dagstuhl Seminars:
- Dagstuhl Seminar 21072 (Feb. 14-19, 2021): https://www.dagstuhl.de/21072
- Dagstuhl Seminar 23081 (Feb. 19-24, 2023): https://www.dagstuhl.de/23081

During these seminars, we've had plenty of exciting content and discussions — focusing on demonstrators to keep things grounded — and it seemed like a good moment to open up the conversation more broadly in a CG. A big round of thanks to Olivier Boissier, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Fabien Gandon, Simon Mayer, and Alessandro Ricci for helping to move things forward.

Anyone interested in the topics is welcome to join and contribute. We are still waiting for more people to join the group, but we will start the introductions soon. We expect to ramp up the activity over the next month.

Best wishes,

Received on Saturday, 25 March 2023 18:43:05 UTC