Pei Wei's ViolaWWW project: Was it prior art?

Does anyone on the list know why the judge in the Eolas/Microsoft '906
patent trial refuse to allow the jury to hear about Pei Wei's ViolaWWW
work?  In particular, was it an issuing timing or was the Viola system
somehow different than Mike Doyle's work?
Here are some interesting links on Pei Wei and his Viola project from

*	 <> Pei Wei's home page 

*	 <> Viola
home page 

*	 <> WWW
Browsers: Extensibility Issues, Stanford University, Sept. 20-21, 1994 

Message from Pei Wei about the Eolas pending patent, Aug. 21, 1995 

<> Mike
Doyle of Eolas responds to Pei Wei, Aug. 21, 1995 

<> Pei
Wei responds to Mike Doyle, Aug. 21, 1995 

Public demonstration of ViolaWWW on July 28, 1993 in Cambridge, Mass. 

Richard M. Smith

Received on Wednesday, 3 September 2003 16:10:32 UTC