MS-EOLAS story ..

Some more on the much - said and some more questions to add to the
unanswered (if they havent been asked already..)

Does the microsoft ActiveX/OLE  fall within the scope (Cause MS applications
have capability of embedding entire objects within other objects, word,
excel and the early packager..)
If the patent affects plug-ins for Web Browsers and the above mentioned
technology does not fall into the scope, then as far as MS is concerned ,
this will be all the more better. They can go on to develop applications
adding capabilities of plug-ins like MacroMedia Flash and whatever other
plug-ins are in use, and just pass it off as OLE instead of plug-ins.
For the other browsers , who cares (MS speak..), they have less than 95 % ..
Lets all write browser (MS-World Explorer , the new product) markup language
(called Ms-WE-ML) and forget HTML and Flash....this way we dont have to use
anything else apart from MS products...
The bright side to all this is we can establish an entirely new set of
standards ground up and have 100% compability !! (No worries abt
cross-browser compability )

Oh My ! The world suddenly seems a better place to live in , Hurray EOLAS !

On the other hand if OLE falls within the EOLAS patent , MS will have to
re-invent the wheel , in which case the other 5 % can have their own fun
..(wonder what MS does in this case..)

Please comment !!

Received on Monday, 1 September 2003 03:39:14 UTC