from August 2013 by subject

[animation-timing] Added idlharness test for animation-timing (#296)

[animation-timing] Imported from Microsoft's tests for animation timing (#297)

[battery-status] Remove a redundant TODO as all the issues have been addressed (#275)

[cors] Adding new 2xx and 308 status codes, fixing relative references in test ... (#316)

[cors] cors: Add the Opera CORS tests (#112)

[cors] Moving CORS tests from WebAppSec WG to main web-platform-tests (#310)

[dom] Add a test for empty names for Element.children. (#248)

[dom] Add a test for getting textContent. (#315)

[dom] Fixes to Range tests (#265)

[dom] Make the last argument to DOMImplementation.createDocument optional. (#308)

[dom] Test that the result of createEvent has its attributes initialized corre... (#295)

[dom] Update Range tests for changes to the detach() method. (#133)

[DOMEvents][needs-dir-mv-phase-2] Move David Bruant's DOM Events tests into position. (#58)

[eventsource] Change crosssite host name to www2 (#272)

[eventsource] eventsource: Check that charset is ignored and UTF-8 is decoded. (#276)

[eventsource] Fixed eventsource/format-utf-8.htm (#268)

[eventsource] Fixed reference path in eventsource-constructor-url-multi-window.htm (#264)

[eventsource] new test for EventSource + request cancellation (#285)

[eventsource] Update format-field-retry.htm (#232)

[eventsource] Update message.php (#234)

[eventsource][html][old-tests][page-visibility] Aryeh's submission (#1)

[FileAPI] [ttfw shanghai 2013]Progress events test for File API (#294)

[FileAPI] [ttwf shanghai 2013] add FileAPI line-endings test case (#282)

[FileAPI] [ttwf shanghai 2013] add some test cases (#282)

[FileAPI] [ttwf shanghai 2013] add test cases for (#283)

[FileAPI] [ttwf shanghai 2013] FileAPI File interface tests added. (#279)

[FileAPI] [ttwf shanghai 2013] FileAPI FileReader interface tests added. (#291)

[FileAPI] [ttwf shanghai 2013] FileAPI Line Endings tests added. (#281)

[FileAPI] [TTWF Shanghai] Added idlharness test for FileAPI (#289)

[FileAPI] add FileAPI line-endings test case (#282)

[FileAPI] add test cases for (#283)

[FileAPI] add test for FileReader Multiple Reads (#288)

[FileAPI] Added tests for the FileList interface (#262)

[FileAPI] File API Blob Constructor and Slice Method Testing. (#290)

[FileAPI] file api filelist attribute test (#286)

[FileAPI] FileAPI FileReader interface tests added. (#291)

[FileAPI] FileAPI FileReaderSync tests added. (#284)

[FileAPI] FileAPI URL tests added. (#293)

[FileAPI] moz file api submissions (#53)

[FileAPI] ms2ger file api submission (#54)

[FileAPI] opera file api submissions (#55)

[FileAPI] Submission/lenient liu (#287)

[FileAPI][IndexedDB] Create folders for TestTWF Shanghai. (#273)

[html-media-capture] Created tests for (#306)

[html-templates] Submission/unipro (#135)

[html] [TTWF Shanghai 2013] draggable_attribute, dropzone_attribute and dragevent (#280)

[html] Add a test for document.images. (#246)

[html] Add additional tests for the named getter in form with other listed elements. (#307)

[html] Add basic tests for form's named getter. (#111)

[html] add dropzone_attribute_value_copy.html (#280)

[html] Add whole load of tests for "Loading Web Pages". (#304)

[html] Added test formAction_document_address.html (#238)

[html] draggable_attribute, dropzone_attribute and dragevent (#280)

[html] Increased timeout to make test more stable (#303)

[html][infra] Update html5lib tests (#309)

[IndexedDB] exception test (#292)

[infra] Add Contributing Guidelines with CLA. (#261)

[mediacapture-streams] peerconnection api tests (#277)

[navigation-timing][navigationtiming] Submissions/navigationtiming (#181)

[notifications] Tests for the Web Notifications spec (#266)

[performance-timeline] Proper interface for Performance Timeline... (#302)

[performance-timeline] Tests for Performance Timeline specifications (#300)

[shadow-dom] shadow-dom: Add reftests for distribution on DOM changes. (#298)

[shadow-dom] shadow-dom: Add reftests for distribution. (#263)

[shadow-dom] shadow-dom: Remove a test file for Selectors API. (#254)

[shadow-dom] shadow-dom: Update a test that checks invariants across distribution. (#278)

[user-timing] Tests for User Timing (#301)

[vibration] import from darobin's tests for DAP vibration API (#125)

[webaudio] Submissions/chrislo audiobuffer idl test (#299)

[webdriver] Adding visibility tests to show elements with HIDDEN attribute are not v... (#305)

[WebIDL] Remainder of my tests (#271)

[webmessaging] Delete Status.html since it is obsoleted by (#311)

[webmessaging] for the HTML5 Web Messaging test suite (#270)

[websockets] for the WebSocket API test suite (#269)

[websockets][workers] AFBarstow/websockets delete status file (#313)

[webstorage] README for the Web Storage test suite (#267)

[workers] AFBarstow/workers status readme updates (#312)

[XMLHttpRequest] new test for window.stop() and the abort event, thanks @Yaffle (#242)

missed XMLHttpRequest and EventSource tests (#241)

Some HTML5 i18n tests missing (#274)

Last message date: Saturday, 31 August 2013 10:28:40 UTC