Re: missed XMLHttpRequest and EventSource tests (#241)

readyState before navigation/cancellation:

XMLHttpRequest              LOADING
WebSocket (active)          OPEN
EventSource (active)        OPEN
EventSource (reconnecting)  CONNECTING

page navigation:

|                            |InternetExplorer 11  | FireFox 23           | Chrome 30          | Opera 12.16 |
| XMLHttpRequest (active)    |                     |                      |                    |             |
|                 events     | -                   | "error", "loadend"   | "abort", "loadend" | -           |
|                 readyState | LOADING             | DONE                 | DONE               | LOADING     |
| WebSocket (active)         |                     |                      |                    |             |
|                 events     | -                   | "close" (code: 1001) |  -                 | -           |
|                 readyState | OPEN                | CLOSED               |  OPEN              | OPEN        |
| EventSource (active)       |                     |                      |                    |             |
|                 events     | N/A                 | "error"              | -                  | -           |
|                 readyState | N/A                 | CLOSED               | CLOSED             | OPEN        |
| EventSource (reconnecting) |                     |                      |                    |             |
|                 events     | N/A                 | -                    | -                  | -           |
|                 readyState | N/A                 | CONNECTING           | CONNECTING         | CONNECTING  |

cancellation (window.stop):

|                            | InternetExplorer 11 | FireFox 23           | Chrome 30          | Opera 12.16 |
|XMLHttpRequest (active)     |                     |                      |                    |             |
|                events      | N/A                 | "error", "loadend"   | "abort", "loadend" |             |
|                readyState  | N/A                 | DONE                 | DONE               | LOADING     |
|                active      | yes                 | no                   | no                 | yes         |
|WebSocket (active)          |                     |                      |                    |             |
|                events      | N/A                 | "close" (code: 1001) | -                  | -           |
|                readyState  | N/A                 | CLOSED               | OPEN               | OPEN        |
|                active      | yes                 | no                   | yes                | yes         |
|EventSource (active)        |                     |                      |                    |             |
|                events      | N/A                 | "error"              | -                  | -           |
|                readyState  | N/A                 | CLOSED               | CLOSED             | OPEN        |
|                active      | yes                 | no                   | no                 | yes         |
|EventSource (reconnecting)  |                     |                      |                    |             |
|                events      | N/A                 | -                    | -                  | -           |
|                readyState  | N/A                 | CONNECTING           | CONNECTING         | CONNECTING  |
|                active      | yes                 | yes                  | yes                | yes         |

What about the rule for window.stop: `if the fetching is cancelled, the browser must fire an event and change the readyState.` ?

Firefox issues:
1) "error" event type instead of "abort" for XMLHttpRequest -

Chrome issues:
1) "error" is not fired at EventSource after window.stop usage -
2) "close" at WebSocket with code = 1001 -

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Received on Friday, 16 August 2013 07:09:13 UTC