WebPerfWG call - May 12th 2022 @ 10am PT

Hi everyone!

On the agenda 
for our next call (May 12th @ 10am PT / 1pm ET) we will discuss:

  * UserTiming: Marking and measuring style computation, layout
    calculations, etc <https://github.com/w3c/user-timing/issues/88>
  * LCP: Expose cross-origin LCP render times when unrelated to content
  * NavigationTiming: Should pages with different COOP be able to get
    unload event start/end.
  * NavigationTiming: Extend the navigationType enum to include "reload
    after being discarded" navigations
  * ResourceTiming: Consider to limit the max size of resource timing
    buffer <https://github.com/w3c/resource-timing/issues/304>


We also have a *survey* <https://forms.gle/U6LgVSZhJZEEPSwBA>. We would 
like your feedback on the working group alternating the meeting times, 
as we've been doing in 2022.

Please fill out the survey if you have an opinion:


Plus any other issues you want to talk about. If you have additional 
items, please add them to the agenda 

Join us <https://meet.google.com/agz-fbji-spp>!

The presentations will be recorded and published online afterwards.

See you soon!

- Nic https://nicj.net/ @NicJ

Received on Wednesday, 11 May 2022 16:50:02 UTC