Re: Firefox and User Timing API in workers

On 5/27/15 2:41 PM, Ilya Grigorik wrote:
> Ah, good catch, missed that in the earlier update. Opened a bug to track
> this:


> Right, as written its SW specific.. I think we can make it work in both
> cases though.

Can we just have a property that works in all cases (workers, windows, 
etc) so people can just write their code without worrying about where 
it's running.

> FWIW, there is no "navigationStart" attribute in RT

We're not adding it as part of RT.  For that matter, 
is not part of RT.

RT proper has no way, in a window, to convert its timestamps into 
something like wall-clock times.  Nor can high-res timing do it on its 
own.  Both of them need the 0 time value as wall-clock time for various 
things people want to do (e.g. comparing timestamps across globals).

> The intent was to have "workerStart" reflect the "zero time" within a worker.

Given that the zero time within a dedicated workers is the zero time of 
its parent page, calling it "workerStart" is pretty odd.

> I do believe that latest draft of Perf Timeline should address both of
> the above:
> -
> -

Ah, yes, that looks much better.  Unfortunately, that document doesn't 
seem to be linked anywhere from <>...


Received on Wednesday, 27 May 2015 18:54:17 UTC