Re: [ResourcePriorities] Scripts and integration with HTML spec

On Tue, 18 Mar 2014, Bruno Racineux wrote:
> Being able to tackle all this together sounds good. I think images are 
> worth an equal priority level in the resource priority space. They are 
> an important part of the focus and expectation of this spec. I will 
> elaborate further in the coming days or weeks.

I'm not sure exactly what needs doing for images in terms of 
prioritisation, but right now the entire loading model for images needs to 
be reworked (, so 
it's a good time to discuss the use cases for prioritisation in the 
context of images, so that we can deal with this at the same time. Please 
do send feedback on it.

> In terms of speccing in 'HTML spec' and changing mailing lists.
> What does it mean in terms the existing spec?
> Should we still refer to it as [ResourcePriorities]?
> And/or comment here when it comes to the spec.
> Could you briefly clarify that process.

The HTML standard is maintained by the WHATWG (a W3C community group). 
Discussions happen either on the mailing list:

...or in bugs in the HTML component of the WHATWG product in the W3C's bug 
database. New bugs can be filed easily here:

The spec itself is here:

...which is where I expect to put any spec text that comes out of my work 
on this topic.

I guarantee that I'll eventually respond to any HTML spec feedback sent to 
the WHATWG list, and that I'll deal with any bug filed using the form 
above. You can also send feedback by other means, e.g. on this mailing 
list, but I don't guarantee that I'll respond to such feedback. (I mean, 
if it's sane feedback sent to a list I'm subscribed to, and if it doesn't 
get caught in my filters, then I almost certainly will reply, but I only 
_guarantee_ that I'll respond to feedback sent to the WHATWG list.)

> I'd like to help.

Most helpful thing for me would be a clear description of the use cases 
for each element that needs something. A use case is the description of 
the problem facing authors when they try to use the current technologies 
to achieve what they want to achieve, or the problems facing users when 
they try to use products based on those technologies.

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Tuesday, 18 March 2014 22:01:00 UTC