[minutes] 2012-05-02 Web Performance WG Teleconference #71

Meeting Summary:

1.       Navigation Timing to PR

a.       test_timing_attributes_order.htm and test_document_readiness_exist.htm

Karen had submitted updates to all remaining Navigation Timing test cases. IE and Chrome pass on all test cases, whereas Firefox is failing the test_timing_order.htm; Boris will update this test to work around the Firefox issue.

b.       Navigation Timing to PR

As all remaining action items for this spec are complete and we have two implementations that pass all the test cases, the Director will be evaluating moving this spec to PR next week.

c.        Navigation Timing 2

Arvind will be adding a section to Navigation Timing 2 stating that UA must implement the Navigation Timing V1 spec.

2.       Resource Timing to CR

a.       Resource Timing to CR

As there are no open issues or feedback on this spec, the Director will be evaluating moving this spec to CR next week.

3.       High Resolution Time to CR

a.       High Resolution Time to CR

As there are no open issues or feedback on this spec, the Director will be evaluating moving this spec to CR next week.

4.       User Timing to LC

a.       User Timing to LC

As we are planning on removing the privacy section from the spec, we will be moving User Timing to LC. We will consider moving User Timing to CR in mid-June.

5.       Performance Timeline to LC

a.       Performance Timeline to LC

As we have recently removed Section 4.4 from the spec, we will be moving Performance Timeline to LC. We will consider moving Performance Timeline to CR in mid-June.

Detailed Notes:

Web Perf Teleconference #71 5/02/2012

IRC log: http://www.w3.org/2012/05/02-webperf-irc


Present for Navigation Timing, Resource Timing and User Timing (4-5PM EST/1-2PM PST)

Jatinder Mann, Philippe Le Hegaret, Arvind Jain, Alois Reitbauer

Present for Page Visibility, Efficient Script Yielding, Display Paint Notifications (4-5PM EST/2-3PM PST)

Meeting cancelled.


Jatinder Mann



1.     Review feedback on all specifications


plh: Considering we are removing sections from User Timing and Performance Timeline, let's set these back to LC and when I get back in June, we can move these specs to CR. We can move Resource Timing and High Resolution Time to CR.
plh: Can someone from Chrome team verify that the submitted tests are correct?
Arvind: We will take a look at it today.
plh: Let's plan to move NT to PR for next week's call.
plh: Navigation Timing 2 should add a section that state's the UA must implement Navigation Timing 1.
Arvind: I will make that change.
Arvind: For the Page Visibility open issue, the Chrome team will send mail with our preference. We are leaning towards firing the events on unload and suspend.

Received on Thursday, 3 May 2012 18:09:13 UTC