Re: OMA liaison statement on network APIs activities

Hi Mark, 

On July 15, 2014 at 9:04:16 PM, Mark Baker ( wrote:
> Hi Marcos. This is the language of software architecture. See any of a
> number of books written over the past 25 years since Perry and Wolfe's
> seminal paper.
> Like anything, it takes time and effort to learn, but is certainly not
> unapproachable by the calibre of people who work in standards.
> FWIW the first chapter of Roy's REST dissertation contains what I still
> consider the best and most concise summary of the art;

Thanks! I remember reading it when I was doing my own PhD. I recall it being very helpful. Will give it another read! 

Received on Wednesday, 16 July 2014 03:46:40 UTC