Re: OMA liaison statement on network APIs activities

On 7/9/14 9:22 AM, Dominique Hazael-Massieux wrote:
> These 3 new work items are:
> * a template for RESTful network APIs
> * guidelines for RESTful network APIs
> * the OMA service exposure framework
> (detailed in the liaison statement)
> In particular, we are requested to investigate opportunities for
> cooperation on these, and to provide an update of W3C activities
> potentially linked to them.

Re the later ("update"), the closest connection I can think of is the 
Network part of your mobile-web-app-state document 

The only other thing that comes to mind is the new(ish) Push Protocol 
work (f.ex. see 
but since Bryan's involved with at least API side of that (as well as 
OMA (I think)), that may be `old news` to them.

Re the former ("opps for coop"), of course if they have any feedback on 
the "network" specs, that feedback would be welcome (via the comment 
list mentioned in each spec).


Received on Wednesday, 9 July 2014 17:53:20 UTC