from April 2014 by subject

[tools] Mozilla documenting toolchains for Web apps dev

[W3C Webmob] IDENTITY: a post related to web payment workshop

[W3C Webmob] IDENTITY: Github repo update

[W3C Webmob] Offline and ServiceWorker

[W3C Webmob] Reading: Principles of Mobile Site Design: Delight Users and Drive Conversions

[W3C Webmob] Teleconference Info

[W3C Webmob] Teleconference tomorrow 2pm UTC!


IG Note "Review of apps that use network information" published

Minutes for 16 Apr 2014 teleconf

Orientation activity

Regarding orientation lock and more

TransReq: FPWD of Service Workers

Last message date: Monday, 28 April 2014 13:06:55 UTC