Taxonomy of mobile apps approaches


I mentioned this in a separate thread, but thought I would highlight it
on its own; as part of a report I started out of the "closing the gap"
task force [1], I have built an early proposal for defining the several
approaches that can be used to build mobile apps nowadays, defining in
particular terms for "Web apps", "native apps", "hybrid apps" and more.

This draft taxonomy is viewable at:
and shared on this group's github account:

The motivation behind this taxonomy is that many people are trying to
make comparison between these various approaches, but in many cases, the
terms are used ambiguously, in particular not taking into account the
cases of Web apps outside the browser. If we can agree on definitions,
and ideally names, for these various approaches, I feel that we will
save a lot of misunderstandings, both inside and outside of this group.

Some of the names and categorization choices have made are arbitrary,
and some could say even controversial (there isn't any better
controversy than one on names).

The document itself lists some of the issues I have identified myself; I
have also formally raised them as issues in the github repo:

I would like the group to adopt this document as one of its
deliverables, and to work with me in building a consensus view on these
names and categories.

I very much welcome feedback both on the goal (getting an IG blessed
taxonomy for mobile app approaches), and the specifics of this proposal.




Received on Monday, 23 September 2013 15:59:14 UTC