Alan Stearns
Appelquist Daniel (UK)
Arthur Barstow
David Newton
Dominique Hazael-Massieux
- [minutes] Nov 27 teleconf
- [scrolling] pointer-events:none to disable hover effects
- TPAC breakout on "how to involve telcos in W3C"
- [minutes] TPAC F2F Nov 14-15
- Mobile Accessibility Task Force
Ernesto Jiménez
- Re: Initial research into installable web apps
- Re: Initial research into installable web apps
- Re: Initial research into installable web apps
Jose Manrique Lopez de la Fuente
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen
Marcos Caceres
- New manifest spec - ready for FPWD?
- Re: Initial research into installable web apps
- Re: Initial research into installable web apps
- Re: Initial research into installable web apps
- Re: Initial research into installable web apps
- Initial research into installable web apps
Mounir Lamouri
Natasha Rooney
- [W3C Webmob] Teleconference IMPORTANT: CODE
- [W3C Webmob] Teleconference
- [W3C Webmob] Task Forces
- For those at TPAC