Re: Initial research into installable web apps

On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Marcos Caceres <> wrote:

> On Tuesday, November 12, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Ernesto Jiménez wrote:
> [...]
> > I used a different method. Rather than just using grep I wrote 60 lines
> of Go to do a command line tool that would read a file and print all meta
> tag names it found.
> >
> > Then I do:
> > $ find ./ -name "*ml.txt" | parallel "print_meta_tags {} >> meta_tags"
> Be great to share the Go script with WebDevData. I can set up a repo for
> you in that org. If that sounds good, please Send me your GH username.

Sounds good. My GH username is ernesto-jimenez[1]

> > BTW, what user-agent was used to create the dataset? Some sites might be
> doing user-agent sniffing to switch between their mobile and desktop sites
> and we might be missing some data.
> None. I also raised this as an issue. However, I’m inclined for us to use
> this data at least for now.
> At the end of november we are set to do another round of collection (it’s
> my turn to do it - we are taking it in turn). I’m thinking we will then do
> one with no user agent + one as Safari/iPhone. Plus we are trying to get
> the data to hold 100K sites on each round, so we can do better longitudinal
> data analysis. We are hoping to get the HTTP Archive to hold the data for
> us.

Sounds good.

> > > WDYT?
> >
> > That sounds good, but it's going to be time-consuming. I would rather do
> a first pass on the data to review stats on what tags are in use and how.
> After that, based on the data, we can get into more time-consuming research
> based on what we observe.
> >
> > In my opinion, the first pass on data will already give us some info on
> what developers intend to support, even if they don't implement it
> properly. Then we can dig deeper on how they are actually implementing it.
> Ok, let’s get the high level stuff first.

Great, I'll catch-up with the webdevdata archives to see how much has been
done already.

> Icons are going to be tricky (it’s basically favicon vs Apple’s icon + the
> “sizes” attribute they added to the platform). Need to describe the problem
> more fully in the document.

Will you describe it in or
are you talking about  another document?

BTW, a side note, I saw you use xargs. I started using parallel recently
and like it much better. It spans several processes and you can make the
most of your multi-core processor :)


Received on Tuesday, 12 November 2013 17:25:19 UTC