- From: Dewa, Yoshiharu (OSAKI) <Yoshiharu.Dewa@jp.sony.com>
- Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2013 09:33:34 +0900
- To: Giuseppe Pascale <giuseppep@opera.com>, "tantek@cs.stanford.edu" <tantek@cs.stanford.edu>
- CC: "public-web-and-tv@w3.org" <public-web-and-tv@w3.org>, "www-style@w3.org" <www-style@w3.org>, Mike Taylor <miket@opera.com>
Hi, I also never heard from Japanese broadcaster as well so far. It is used in BML (for Japanese data broadcast) for a long time. I would like to know what is the risk. Rgs, -- Yoshiharu > -----Original Message----- > From: Giuseppe Pascale [mailto:giuseppep@opera.com] > Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 7:17 PM > To: tantek@cs.stanford.edu > Cc: public-web-and-tv@w3.org; www-style@w3.org; Mike Taylor > Subject: Dropping nav-* properties? > > Hi Tantek, > I've just read your mail exchange with my colleague Mike [1][2][3] and I > wanted to add few comments on that thread as well as extend the discussion > to the Web&TV IG, as there could be other people that may have an opinion > on this subject. > > In short, the CSS Basic UI spec [4] mark nav-* properties as at risk, and > you seem to agree they should be dropped. > > As already mentioned by Mike in [1] and [3] , we (Opera) do recommend use > of nav-* properties for our TV store Apps, and AFAIK so far we haven't > received any complaint (this doesn't mean there are no issues of course, > but at least we haven't heard of any) > > Furthermore, as also mentioned by Mike, there are other specifications > referencing CSS nav-* properties, namely HbbTV [5]. > > The HbbTV specification, although not aimed to the "Open Web", it's still > a public specification and is currently supported in Europe by many retail > devices (mostly TVs and STBs), not only Opera based but also Webkit based > > Also in this case, I haven't heard (so far) any complaint from (Hbb)TV > apps developers. > > Given the pointers above, can you help me (us) understand what is the > problem with css nav-* properties and why you want to drop them? As they > seem to be used and supported by different browsers, would be possible to > investigate more in details what is working (and what is not) and maybe > drop only the problematic parts (if any)? > > I appreciate you may have debated this at length before on the www-style > list, but I was wondering if for the benefit of the web&tv folks you could > summarize the issues and provide related pointers. > > Also note that personally I haven't done an in depth analysis of the spec > and/or the implementations out there, but I wanted to get this discussion > started ASAP as the deadline for comments is already passed. > > Thanks. > > > [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2013Feb/0027.html > [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2013Feb/0036.html > [3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2013Feb/0037.html > [4] http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-ui/ > [5] http://hbbtv.org/pages/about_hbbtv/specification.php > > > > -- > Giuseppe Pascale > Product Manager TV & Connected Devices > Opera Software >
Received on Tuesday, 9 April 2013 00:34:06 UTC