Re: Standardize Buttons For TV-Web Remotes?

Hi, Giuseppe, Glenn-

Giuseppe Pascale wrote (on 5/24/11 6:23 AM):
> thanks for keeping us posted.
> Please notify this group once that section of the spec is "complete".
> I think there are participants from different TV industry organizations
> on this list that could provide feedbacks on that section.

I've made a few more edits to the spec, but for now, I think the key 
values are fairly stable.  We plan to go to Last Call, so we welcome any 
comments from the TV-Web folks during that period.

Glenn and Mark suggested that we might trim down the list of key values, 
perhaps to the set of "required" values, but we also saw value in having 
a wider set; at the same time, though, the list is rather long, so I 
wouldn't want to overburden implementers.  We'll see what LC comments 
say, and I'll continue to keep y'all in the loop.

Please let me know if this approach is satisfactory.


-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG, WebApps, and Web Events WGs

Received on Wednesday, 25 May 2011 02:30:48 UTC