from October 2020 by subject

[web-adv] Draft minutes from TPAC vF2F and feedback request; next meeting 10 November

[web-adv] minutes and next meeting agenda, 6 October

[web-adv] Planning our virtual F2F Oct. 21-22: draft agenda and requests

[web-adv] Schedule this week and next

[web-adv] vF2F Final details and logistics

Draft TPAC vF2F schedule with topics

New Proposal: Evaluation of Cohort assignment algorithms for the FLoC API

PARRROT: the Publisher Auction Responsibility Retention Revision of TurtleDove

Proposal for agenda for Tuesday, October 6th

SPARROW Gatekeeper and hosted bidding logic


Last message date: Wednesday, 28 October 2020 14:51:47 UTC