Proposals for a new key/glossary term "accessibility services of software and assistive technology"

Hi gang,

As I mentioned last week, WCAG WG approved our language for Principal 4 
and Guideline 4.1 at Text for Principals and Guidelines 
but asked that we define the phrase we coined for our substitution: 
"accessibility services of software and assistive technology"

I have tried to do that at the wiki page 'New glossary term 
"accessibility services of software and assistive technology" 
Please review BOTH proposals #1 and #2 there.

Proposal #1 attempts to define the entire phrase as a new term (to be 
added to Chapter 2 Key Terms 
<>).  Proposal #2 instead just 
tries to define the first part of the phrase, "accessibility services of 
software". This wasn't precisely what WCAG WG asked us to do as I recall 
it, but I think that approach makes more sense.

Andi/Mike - perhaps we might survey these two proposals for Friday? 
Asking folks if they prefer #1 or #2, and for whichever of the two they 
prefer, whether the like the language as I have put it forth or would 
prefer it with some changes.



P.S. For reference purposes, at the bottom of the wiki page I have also 
copied in our modified version of "assistive technology", as well as 
several related terms from ISO 13066-1, which is a document Andi and I 
worked a lot on, with review from Gregg as part of the INCITS/ISO V2 

Oracle <>
Peter Korn | Accessibility Principal
Phone: +1 650 5069522 <tel:+1%20650%205069522>
500 Oracle Parkway | Redwood City, CA 94065
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Received on Tuesday, 21 May 2013 23:28:27 UTC